Category: UT Updates (Official)
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Updated Linux installer for the retail Unreal Tournament version from (Linux Installers for Linux Gamers).

Attention: Since the installer depends on the outdated and now obsolete GTK1 environment the following workaround should help getting it installed:

sh --noexec --keep &&
cd unreal.tournament_436-multilanguage &&

Author Epic Games
Date 2017-04-16
File Size 7.15 MB
Download 859

Updated Linux installer for the retail Unreal Tournament: Game of the Year Edition from (Linux Installers for Linux Gamers).

Attention: Since the installer depends on the outdated and now obsolete GTK1 environment the following workaround should help getting it installed:

sh --noexec --keep &&
cd unreal.tournament_436-multilanguage.goty &&

Author Epic Games
Date 2017-04-16
File Size 6.65 MB
Download 1,233

If you have CD reading problems, or obtained the game bundled, this is for you.

Author Epic Games
Date 2017-04-16
File Size 32.2 MB
Download 1,610
(0 votes)

Last official patch for retail version. Not needed for Unreal Anthology users.

Author Epic Games
Date 2017-04-16
File Size 7.04 MB
Download 1,141
(0 votes)

Last unofficial patch from the UTPG group, best used for server but can also be used as a client.

Author UTPG
Date 2017-04-16
File Size 2.92 MB
Download 752

Last unofficial patch from the UTPG group, best used for server but can also be used as a client.

Author UTPG
Date 2017-04-16
File Size 2.95 MB
Download 1,416